
Gun Deaths: Meaningless Metric — 7 Comments

  1. Can you please get this posted on the front page of every newspaper and every news channel on the internet so it might sink in on the weak minded population of this country that continue to believe what is fed to them by the biased media and our elected officials.

  2. Do you have the news clip with Hillary standing before a table full of guns confiscated from crimes in Mexico that came from US gun shops – that we only later discovered were pushed to Mexico under Operation Fast & Furious? Many people have never heard of Fast and Furious – except the movie.

    Thank you.

  3. Here’s how I respond to people who yammer about “gun deaths.”

    While “gun deaths” in the US claim 30,000 per year, “hospital deaths” claim over 400,000:

    We could immediately prevent all “hospital deaths” by closing all hospitals.

    Yes, you’re right, that’s stupid, because hospitals presumably save more people than they kill.

    And yet so do guns: 500,000 to 3 million defensive uses per year, compared to 30,000 “gun deaths,” most of which were voluntary (suicides) to begin with.

    And these aren’t “NRA numbers,” they’re from a CDC study commissioned by Barack Obama:

  4. What about a follow up as to the term “gun violence” being meaningless as well? As violence is at times necessary to stop a criminal.

    • Perhaps some day. A bit trickier of a topic since the official statistics are not as straight forward.

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