Cop killers and underground guns
A serial felon shoots his girlfriend then assassinates two cops, and this is all caused by the “gun lobby.” I have a pet theory that one reason the gun control industry has been losing favor with the American public is that their talking point sound evermore like PETA (a.k.a. psychotic). We have all now heard about Ismaaiyl Brinsley gunning down two New York cops. What did not immediately hit the news cycle is that the former Mr. Brinsley (who saved taxpayers a wad of cash by killing himself after the two officers) had a rather lengthy criminal record. According to a dispatch from the New Republic, an organization never guilty of journalism, the last year in which Brinsley was eligible to legally buy a gun was 2008. So how did he get his hands on one? With all the “tough” criminal control laws, who failed? Nobody, aside from perhaps the … Continue reading →