
Callous Kids — 5 Comments

  1. Two books co-authored by Lt. Col Dave Grossman, “Stop Teaching Our Kids To Kill” and “Assassination Generation” address this same phenomena, a desensitization of violence by video games, movies and TV leading to callousness.

    • I have read “Assassination Generation” and we link it on our “books” page. But it tends to deal with mass shooters more than inner-city issues. Both are important, though the latter results in much more annual bloodshed.

      • A gunfacts Representative needs to debate the likes of David Pakman or any Late Night Television Host, obliterate them infront of their audience.

        • [Gun Facts founder replying]

          I’d appreciate the opportunity to discuss (not debate) in any of these forums. The question is if these hosts would engage in a honest and data driven discussion. I have doubts.

  2. My own research shows that fatherlessness (which is one component leading to callousness) is the single biggest factor in incivility in youth. Incivility is a common factor among all violent criminals (and probably the vast majority of all criminals across the board), whether they use guns or other weapons (including fists and feet, as well as “tools”).

    The welfare state is the single biggest cause of fatherlessness. Immediately following LBJ’s nothing-Great-about-it is Nixon’s “War” on drugs. In the first case, mothers chose money over mates, and in the latter, the state grabbed fathers off the streets and threw them in jail. Irrespective of which might apply in a specific family, government is the source of the problem, and looking to government to solve it is an exercise in insanity.

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