Young Thugs in California
California is the home of the original “gangsta paradise” which was exported nationally. As such, a large study of the gang membership in California secondary schools helps to understand the scope of the overall gang problem, and by proxy how to reduce gun violence. Take-aways 4% of surveyed students claimed to be gang members. The rates are skewed by race and align with National Gang Center demographics. Big Sample, Biggish Problem Surveying 667,610 secondary students constitutes a large study, and thus the resulting numbers should be solid approximations… despite a possible self-reporting bias. The study covered 57 of 58 California counties over two years. They polled 667,610 secondary students in grades 7, 9 and 11, and after the few who dropped out of the survey or were for other reasons disqualified, about 31% of the enrolled population were sampled. Quite impressive. The weakness of the study, though, was that students … Continue reading →