
Brady Scorecard Scam — 6 Comments

  1. California may have a high violent crime rate, but it does not have a high gun death rate. The UCR definition of “violent crime” includes many crimes that are not, or do not have to be, committed with guns. Look at their definitions for murder, robbery, rape and aggravated assault: none of them exclude crimes committed with knifes or your bare fists. Gun deaths also include suicides with guns, which far outnumber homicides. I would take a closer look at your analysis; it does not seem to prove what you think it does.

    • Thanks for the polite comment.

      Much of what you say is well understood (such as suicides), though some is inaccurate. For example, California is #13 in the nation for gun homicides (ignoring D.C., a huge outlier), with a rate of 3.4/100K, well above the national average (sans D.C.) of 2.5.

      In the Non-Brady Scorecard, we examined each category of violent crime as well as the aggregate. I’m assuming that you did not download the full report.

      Out of curiosity, what is your role with NY Public Radio (I noticed your sending email node was

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