EveryCon and Your Child
Michael Bloomberg’s gun control group EveryTown should be renamed EveryCon.
In a bit of email agitprop, they made the following two statements:
I want you to imagine a chilling scenario: Your child is at friend’s house for a sleepover. While she’s there, her friend starts playing with a parent’s unsecured gun. All of a sudden, the gun fires. A child is unintentionally shot and killed.
The intent of this first one is to frighten anyone who likes kids and wants them to be safe, which is basically everybody. To create fear, they invent a personalized scenario, then …
Sadly, this sort of tragedy happens with frightening regularity in our country. In 2013, almost two kids per week were killed in shootings that involved unsecured guns.
… they present that scenario is real. This is a common propaganda ploy, and one equally matched in shamelessness and ham-handedness. You would think that Bloomberg could afford better spin doctors than this.
According to the Centers for Disease Control mortality database for the most recent reporting year (2011 as of this post), 74 kids were accidentally killed by gun fire. Yet Bloomberg claims 104. When you follow the links to his web site, they cite the CDC and then state the number if 64 kids using a range of years averaged, then repeats the 104 kids con using non-standard reporting time spans (he looked at one December to the next instead of calendar years, an apparent cherry picking stunt).
So a little more than one child per week is accidentally killed with a firearm. Two are poisoned, thirteen kids drown and 21 suffocate. Yet Michael Bloomberg is immune to this greater suffering. He does not care about those children, for they garner him no propaganda points or power.
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